I don't mind telling you I am going to be blooming glad when this whole re-furb is finished! I'm a really tidy and methodical sort of person and working in this chaos is getting me down now :(
It seems to be have been going on for ever.... and it has seemed to reach the point where there is one hiccup after the other right now. After the furniture debacle, 'Doug the Rug' ca
me with 'Glue Gun Pete' to lay the carpet - very nice carpet I might add!
But unsurprisingly (I'm at the stage of being surprised by nothing now!!) on lifting the carpet in the upstairs restaurant some of the floor boards were found to be more than a little 'iffy' - not dangerous, just not as sound as they should be... so there came yet another added cost of getting the lovely Carlton to get boarding in - which means the job now has to stretch into next week.
On top of that my lovely painter Luke 'touched up' a few spots and we all found to our horror that the new batch of paint was very slightly different to the first and second lot! This means he has to re-paint the whole restaurant!! Anything else
...???? No, actually I don't think there is - oh yes! One of the new windows has been slightly under measured and as my dear old Mum would have said 'A blind man would like to see it'!! So that blind is up but is going to be replaced soon - nothing major - but if it's going to be right, then it's going to be right.
The 2 en-suite bedrooms over the cellar are coming on a treat - or so I'm told, but I'm not even allowing myself to look at them just yet as I can only worry about so much!! The awning is due to be 'installed' the week after next - which pushes it right to the wire - but again, what good will it do if I start fretting now??
Wedding celebrations are gathering pace and as we almost enter March there's less than a month to go now - and actually, I'll be quite glad now when that's here as well..... 2nd dress fitting today and it was nipped and tucked and taken up, and I'm really happy with it.
But right now and uppermost in my mind is a tooth extraction and filling under sedation tomorrow morning - the howlingly painful abscess has receded thanks to the horse pills that my lovely dentist Kathryn gave me - but sadly she doesn't do this sedation dentistry, so it's off to a nice looking chap in Ivybridge tomorrow. Why am I having it done under sedation?? Because there's no way under Gods earth that I'd have it pulled out otherwise...... trust me, there's scared patients and there's me!! I wouldn't wish me on any poor dentist - so good luck tomorrow to Mr John Gittins and his team............. x
Oh yes, and good luck to me!!