The garden is being very well used of course by families with squillions of children in tow and I re-started feeding the chickens as a learning experience for the kids! That's always fun but I forgot just how much fun it can be - I love to see the look of wonderment in their eyes as the chickens come quite close for their food. So many children worried we eat them when they get old.....??? We don't is the answer.
I wish we were allowed to have a regular market place there - but I guess car parking gives South Hams council more revenue???
I have to say that it was also very nice to have Fore Street pedestrianised for a couple of hours - children could run about with no fear of being sent to A & E by cars driving far too fast!! Every now and then it gets talked about, but never seems to get past the talking stage! Of course its a bit of a nuisance for deliveries (especially when our own dray was here for well over an hour Tuesday with a MAHOOSIVE load successfully blocking traffic every now and then!) and also lots of other shops that rely on regular daily deliveries, but other seaside towns manage it, so why Salcombe can't is totally beyond me!!!!
Anyway - off my soapbox and more about the regatta - last nights fireworks were superb!! SOH and I stood and watched them like a pair of young lovers (aawww) along with hundreds and hundreds of many more people - young and old oohing and aahhing at the colours and bangs, but it has to be said that this years display seemed particularly spectacular.
We also had the Kingsmen singers, Panache and Morris Men last night - and then most of them invaded our pub after their performances! The Morris Men sat in the library room and entertained people for an hour - flipping fantastic it was as well. Whilst the Kings Men sang in our pub the other evening - completely ad hoc and absolutely fantastic.
We've just emptied the charity box for the Hearing Dogs Charity - if you remember we donate the entire amount from our dog menu Al a Bark to this charity and I'm glad to report that since re-opening in February we have raised about £720............ just by selling dog chews etc!! One such grateful visitor of our dog menu was the gorgeous Yogi pictured here. A beautiful mild mannered dog who found my ear canal interesting and tasty!!!! My own 2 dogs were less impressed at his scent on me!
Anyway, it's our one day off together this week - so I'm off to slump in front of my Kindle (my new found love!) and relax,
Laters my lovely friends,
Liz x
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