Tuesday 7 May 2019


As with anytime in life you start to finish something, you start to think about what you've done in that time - what you've achieved, people you've met (people you'd rather not have met!) experiences and lessons learned. 

I was sat looking through some pics the other evening and I realised with huge gratitude what lovely people we've had work with us. 

Let's start with Glo - Our first Manager of the Vic. Right from the word go, our Glo was the backbone of our business, when we only had 8 team members in our first week. 

Glo had worked at the Vic for a while and had a wonderful work history in working with customers, and her customer service skills were second to none. Exemplary in her approach to the Vic, everything had to be of the highest standards - Glos' standards - and woe betide anyone that didn't work to those standards! One look was enough to quieten the most trucculent of the team. But Glo carried people with her and would never ask anyone to do anything she wouldn't do. 

Glo became a very good friend to me over the years, we shared many shifts together and the early days of Sunday lunchtimes with us behind the bar on Sundays with sounds of the 60's on the playlist will live with me for ever! 

She also didn't like having her photo taken so I hope she won't mind be nicking this from her Facebook page!!! 

When Glo decided to leave us she left huge shoes to fill, one or two didn't quite make the grade for very long, and then along came Rob! Gorgeous, loveable, kind and hard working Rob - pretty useless on the computer but bloody wonderful with staff and customers! 

I was told (after the event thankfully!) on a night where we were beyond full that a customer insistent on a table eventually drove calm, unflappable Rob to retort he would look to see if he had a table 'up his arse'!!! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Rob made staff parties lively affairs and he could often see the humour in things that I fumed at. Another person capable of taking staff with him, rather than 'boss' them about. The pic of him and I is one of my all-time favourites as he stepped into the breach in the kitchen a few times and he caught me as I was 'taste testing' the Sunday joints! 

Rob became a surrogate son and would feel comfortable coming to talk with me if he was unsure where life was taking him, and I admit to crying buckets when he said he was leaving us for a life with his family in his beloved Brighton. Even now, customers ask about him (and Glo). 

Then thankfully and so, so luckily for us, Geordie Jess was already working for us as an assistant Manager and with a little coaxing took on the mantle of what is to be the last Manager of the Vic. 

Ahhhhhh Jess - what can I say that's printable and repeatable! I had finally met the woman who could out curse me and outdrink Rob!!! 

Seriously, in Jess we have all the qualities of both of the best of Glo & Rob, and she knows her way round a computer thankfully!! Loads of experience in pubs and hospitality, she has thrived and blossomed on the responsibilities she now has. SOH and I have at last been able to truly take our foot of the gas occasionally knowing that her all round capabilities at running a pub means we once again leave our pub in safe hands when not here. 

I've built a wonderful friendship with this young woman (I'm her Devon Mum) as has SOH and what an absolute superstar she is. Her down to earth Geordie approach has been like a breath of fresh air and she's another Manager who works her absolute socks off, and expects the same from the team. Not afraid to tell it as it is, and like me she has an intolerance of idiots, but she has the proverbial heart of gold and I'm very, very fond of her. 

And now I'm crying (God 5 months of this to go yet - I'll be an emotional wreck!) as I think of these very, very special people who have helped us shape our business to be as wonderful as it is, our gratitude to them is immeasurable! 
Thank you Glo, Rob and 
Jess πŸ’–

More about the team next time, 

Love always

Liz x

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