Monday, 15 May 2017

Ok - maybe not Spring after all!

Gawd!!! The heatings back on and it's pouring cats and dogs.......... Come on Spring I'm waiting for you to come back! 

So! Good evening my lovelies, it's been great to see so many familiar faces popping in over the last few weeks for your post Bank Holiday breaks.  Some of you even went home with sun tans! Would be rust right now if you were here......! 

I was having some lovely conversations with guests in our pub this weekend and we always get great responses to the teams approach to customer service, in fact we got our results this week to the St Austell brewery mystery shop and we got 95% - we were thrilled and the 2 team members named (Jessie and Lauren) got a reward voucher from us. 

However, the conversation that stuck in my mind this week, was just HOW good our team are and how well they gel together.  I think it's because not only do we value them, pay them well and try to create a family atmosphere, THEY all seem to like each others company. 

Two of our team (who many of you will know and love) Jess (Manager) and Philly (one of our supervisors) have gone off 'glamping' for the week. I'm told that's glamorous camping - but as I say (boringly continuously) the only stars I will sleep under is where they have 4 or 5 over a hotel door! Yet, yesterday on their first day off where did they go for Sunday lunch?? Where they work! So I think that speaks volumes don't you?? 

Some of the Vic team with a couple of friends!!! 
We also have a team Facebook messenger group for sharing ideas, moans and grumbles as well as full on madness at times. They also like to go out together when they can, proving that a team that plays together - stays together!!! <<<<<<<<

We recently had a food blogger in our pub - Tim of Culinary Chatter. He did an absolutely amazing review and we are getting lots of positive comments on social media about it;

It's always a bit nerve wracking having someone write about you however much you think you did a good job and it's not until I see it in print I can relax.  

We've also been nominated for Muddy Stiletto (Devon) awards - now this is an interesting one as it's voted for by you the customer, so If you'd like to vote for us please can you follow this link;
Best Destination Pub would be great - Thank you kindly! 

What else have I got to chat about today then??? 

Well, as many of you know, I'm not working quite so many hours these days - but that doesn't mean I'm not 'working'......... If I'm not on social media advertising the pub then I can often be found in my greenhouse.  This year I've grown (many from seed) lots of lettuces and leaves and I mean lots.  So much of my produce is finding its way onto the kitchen at the Vic to be used in the menus. As a certain Greg Wallace famously said on Master Chef - Food doesn't get fresher than this! 

It really doesn't either, and there's no pesticides been on them, just me singing along to music on my Bose player in the greenhouse. I've also got lots and lots of tomatoes I've planted - again, many from seed and I hope they will be great for our menu about August maybe! I don't think anything tastes better and is more rewarding than walking outside your door and picking the freshest of the fresh produce. 

Today, we've just had a fab new addition to our pub and something SOH and I talked about for ages and that is a trophy cabinet.  Made by a local craftsman Nigel Couch it's of the most amazing quality and our trophies look absolutely fab in it. Who knows, perhaps we'll have another one or two to put in it this year?? 

Well, I think that's it for now lets hope we have sunshine on our bodies when I write my next blog! 

Liz x x x x