Sunday, 29 June 2014

How long???!!??

Oh my goodness............ I can't believe its been almost 2 months since I last did a pub blog, and may I say a huge thank you to one of our customers yesterday who prompted me to write tonight.  Can I say secondly, I'm so sorry that I've been tardy in blog writing this year but time is at a bit of a premium these days! 

As I write this I'm hearing 'Crazy' by Patsy Cline on the radio and it must be said that's pretty much how life has felt since the Victoria Inn had it's re-furbishment at the beginning of the year and re-opened.

To say the refurb has been well received is pretty much an understatement....... I remember having a conversation with Jim at the St Austell brewery and saying to him how worried I was that customers wouldn't like the new look pub, and that I was worried whether the new upstairs would be used much by guests.  I remember him saying that guests would be practically fighting over the window seats within a few weeks............Blimey oh riley he was right!!!!  We have become a pub that if you don't book in advance it can be touch and go as to whether you'll get a seat and certainly a table or time of your choice. We try our hardest, but please ring or email us to make a reservation and to be certain of a booking to your choice won't you. 
Oars in the Umbrella stand!! 

This brilliant and beautiful new pub has not happened without creating some challenges for us - but we think (I do hope you agree!) that we have tackled the challenge of increased numbers of customers eating and drinking with us succesfully now after a few teething issues. 

We've increased our staffing by loads to ensure we don't disappoint in terms of customer service as well. Our kitchen now has 2 extra people and front of house has 3. Our summer staff have started to appear and it looks like we have an absolutely fantastic summer crew again this year - in fact about 12 extra summer staff in total!! So I think we will have about 37 staff on at various times! 

We've been working very hard to get our menu's right again this year for the 'season' and have decided to offer a separate Garden menu and serving dinner from the new time of 4.30 to accommodate people coming off the beaches. Chowder comes back and lots of fish of course - but this year I'm determined not to unveil what we're doing until right the last minute so that we're not copied! The new menu comes in next week and will run till the 2nd week of September. 

We introduced a Gin menu a couple of weeks ago and that has been soooooooooo popular -  even WE have been surprised at the reponse! A choice of a premium Gin (double) with a Fever Tree tonic (fabulous) in a beautiful big goblet type glass and garnished with all sorts of things ranging from ground black pepper to slices of ginger, grapefruit or strawberries - whichever is pertinent to the Gin. Absolutely loved by our customers! 

Our summer baskets are in situ at the front of the house - although we almost lost them as we didn't realise that the early heat had dried them out quite as much as they had! But, apart from 2 end baskets they seem to have recovered from their drought of water.......

We are already looking forward by advertising for another Kitchen apprentice, as our 2 boys Aaron and Blake are undertaking year 2 at college to ensure even better skills under their belt.  We will also have a front of house / hospitality apprentice starting with us in September. 

I hope the above shows you why when I have much free time, you'll generally find me slumped clutching a mug of tea staring at the TV - but not really watching it! My brain never really shuts off and on a short break the other week it was day 3 before I realised my jaw had unclenched! But for SOh and I, the Victoria Inn is now a real dream come true and we love every minute of being with her - we hope you do too?!?

I promise not to leave it 2 months till the next blog!

Liz - Licensee X